Георги Тахов
Изпълнителен директор на ДФ „Земеделие“ - РА
He specialized in economics and industrial management in Germany. Georgi Tahov has many years of managerial experience in the National Revenue Agency.
He speaks German and English.

Владислава Казакова
Заместник изпълнителен директор с ресори „Директни плащания на площ“ и „Информационни технологии“
By decision of the Management Board of DF "Agriculture" dated August 19, 2022, Vladislava Kazakova was appointed Deputy Executive Director of Resources with resources "Direct Payments by Area" and "Information Technologies".

Димитър Горов
Заместник изпълнителен директор с ресори „Селскостопански пазарни механизми“ и „Инвестиционни схеми за подпомагане
Dimitar Gorov was born in 1971 in Lovech. Economist. He holds a bachelor's degree in "Accounting and Control" from the Dimitar A. Tsenov Academy of Economics - Svishtov. He has a master's degree in "Economics of the Public Sphere" from Southwest University "Neofit Rilski".
In 1992, he started working in the municipal administration in Lovech, working there for more than 10 years in various positions. Since 2003 until 2009 is the director of "Information Service" AD in Lovech. He was a municipal councilor in Lovech. Gorov is a deputy in the 41st, 42nd and 43rd National Assembly.
He speaks Russian. Married with two children.
By decision of the Management Board of DF "Agriculture" dated August 19, 2022, Dimitar Gorov was appointed Deputy Executive Director with resources "Agricultural Market Mechanisms" and "Investment Support Schemes".

Ива Иванова
Заместник изпълнителен директор с ресори "Програмата за развитие на селските райони 2014-2020 (ПРСР)" и "Програма за морско дело и рибарство (ПМДР) 2014-2020"
until 2009 Ivanova worked in the banking sector. Since 2010 until now he has held various positions in the Central Department of the State Fund "Agriculture" - chief expert, head of department and director of the Directorate "Negotiations for the Implementation of Measures for the Development of Rural Areas"
By decision of the Management Board of DF "Agriculture" dated August 19, 2022, Iva Ivanova was appointed Deputy Executive Director with Resources, the Program for the Development of Rural Areas 2014-2020 and the Program for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries 2014- 2020.

Георги Динев
Заместник изпълнителен директор с ресори „Технически инспекторат" и „Краткосрочни схеми за подпомагане"
Georgi Dinev was born in 1977. He holds a bachelor's degree in Finance from the Neophyt Rilski State University - Blagoevgrad. In 2004, he obtained a master's degree in economics. He speaks English and Greek.
Dinev's career in the agricultural sector began in 2010, when he was appointed as the chief expert in the "Anti-fraud" Directorate of the DF "Agriculture". His professional path continues in the Executive Agency for Vine and Wine. He heads the "Administrative, legal service and financial and economic activities" directorate, and since August 2014 he has been the chief secretary of IALV. During the period from 2002 to 2009, he worked in the system of the Ministry of the Interior. From June 2017 to July 2019, Georgi Dinev was the deputy executive director of DF "Agriculture" with resources "Technical Inspectorate" and SAPARD. From July 2019 to June 2021 is the deputy executive director at IARSZ.
By decision of the Management Board of DF "Agriculture" dated June 10, 2021, Georgi Dinev was appointed Deputy Executive Director with the departments "Technical Inspectorate" and "Short-term Support Schemes".